
Alexxx: I am currently available for commissions!

Entries in moleskine (5)

Lots of Sketches!

So I haven't updated this blog/site in a long time so here are some of the sketches I've been doing. Some of these are from my molskines which I dedicated to the Inktober challenge. Cheers guys! 



Been having a lot of fun with these little Molskine pads I would totally recommend them if you haven't jumped in the Moleskine-wagon already.

Our new apt and a look into my moleskine 

More Ink Doodles

Coffee doodles

Sketch for my new pages on my comic.

Moleskine - A Link Between Worlds 

I am very found of my cachet sketchbooks but now my wife bought me a little mokeskine. Lots of my art peeps seem to love their little molkines like crazy and I think I will try it myself and be the judge. So in the wait for the new Zelda game for the 3DS I did this fun idea. Hope you like it!