
Alexxx: I am currently available for commissions!

Entries by Alexxx Castaneda (146)


I'm back in my good old studio and to celebrate I made a little video of how it looks right now! Also I'll be making a couple of drawings for a book in which I will be featured. In other news I got banned from Ustream I guess it's because I sometimes stream music when I paint... Anyways here is the vid and a pic!


Drawing Session with a couple of friends

I had a drawing session today me and a group of friends try to do figure drawing every single or two weeks just to try and keep the good old machine up and running. 


A little Gocard design by Iris Diaz ;)


I will be back!

I will be back with you in a week guys I will start some new projects of my own finally ;)

Yes I haven't updated in ages! 

So here are some sketches. I got a new job doing videogame art 24/7 it's been a blast and I've been gaining lots of experience bad thing is I don't have enough time for keeping up with my other personal projects. Anyways thanx for being here for me my beloved visitors! ;)

Live Digital Painting Tutorial

Part 01:

Part 02:

Here's my first digital painting tutorial ever, it might not be of big use for some of you great artists out there but it was fun doing it. I hope it helps some of you out there! Cheers! 

3 skates packed and ready for the shelf

If you feel interested by any of them drop me a message at Cheers!

Doodling a dude at Starbucks

A little something ;)

It's going!

slowly but going!...


Chim's blog is back from the dead!

Sorry people I've been quite away from the internets I got a little flash game project I will start working on 24/7. Meanwhile check out my friend chim's blog, he says he will update it every 1-2 days! Make sure to visit him to apply some pressure on him and squirt some artistic juice of his!